Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Do you have folders with huge lists of emails in them? Here is a quick easy way to find particular emails by sorting your emails anyway you want.

This tip is particularly useful if (like my mum) you keep all your emails in your Inbox and Sent Items folders and you suddenly find that your emails are not being displayed in the order you are used to.

This tip is super easy… all you need to know how to do is click with the mouse.
Go to your Inbox (or any other email folder that you wish to sort). Do you see a list of column titles at the top (with labels like From, Subject, Received)

To sort by the Received date, click on the Received column title (as shown above).

You will notice a little arrow next to the Received column title in the screen above. This indicates that the email list is sorted by the Received column.

The arrow pointing downward means that the list is sort in descending order i.e. the newest emails are at the top of the list and the oldest are at the bottom (for other fields it means that it will sort from Z to A).

The arrow pointing upward means that the list is sort in ascending order i.e. the oldest emails are at the top of the list and the newest are at the bottom (for other fields it means that it will sort from A to Z).

To make a list sort by a different column, simply click on the title of the column you wish to sort by.

To change the way a list is sorted (i.e. change from ascending to descending), click on the title of the column again.

In summary… to sort, click on the column title!

If you find this post useful, please leave a comment on the blog.

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