Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sending out Invites, Greetings & Newsletters via Email, Fax or Post

It’s almost Christmas… it’s the time of the year when we need to send out invitations, greetings and newsletters to friends and clients.

Depending on your contact list, the best way to contact your friends this year maybe using email, fax or post/hand delivery.

Most of these mailing can be considered “mass mailing” i.e. we want to send copies of the same mail to everyone… possibly customized with their name and address at most.

Microsoft Outlook and Word have some built-in features that automate this process for you. In addition we have built our own tools to further speed up and simplify the process for you.

In this post I’ll discuss both the built in free ways as well as our own addins.

How to Email out Invites, Greetings and Newsletters.

I am going to start with what I consider to be the easiest, fastest and most powerful way of doing this… our own EmailMerge PRO for Outlook.

We recently wrote an article in Outlook Power which takes you through EmailMerge step-by-step.

$10 from each purchase in December will go towards our 2010 Children’s Hospital Project.

Can you do this without using our addin? Outlook can use Word to do this but it’s time consuming and not as powerful. Here’s a link to a tutorial.

How to Fax out Invites, Greetings and Newsletters.

Despite what many people will have you believe, Faxing is not dead.

In fact in terms of deliverability, it can beat email - there is almost no chance that your fax won't get delivered because of an over-zealous spam filter.

You can use Microsoft Word and the free fax printer that comes with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 to send out personalized faxes to your customers this year.

The Bad News: Windows Fax and MS Word don't talk easily to each other out of the box.
The Good News: Fax4Word allows you to fax merge straight from Word to the Windows Fax printer.

$10 from each purchase in December will go towards our 2010 Children’s Hospital Project.

How to Print Letters and Envelopes for Posting and Hand Delivery

Even if you will be sending paper based mail this year, technology can help you.

Here are step-by-step instructions to:

I hope you find the above information helpful in staying in touch with friends and family this year.

Thank you again for supporting our 2010 Charity Project.

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